Sweet Stout – All Grain GONE


General Info

  • Lactose is not fermentable by beer yeast. Adds gravity.
  • 6 gallon boil.
  • Finished amount is 5 gallons.
  • Will use Irish Ale (WLP004) instead of the Bedford British for a more


Brewed with Izzy on a fine early spring afternoon. I, unfortunately, felt like dog crap, but Iz did a great job pulling up the slack.

Added lactose at 15 minutes until the end of the boil. Cooled to 68°, racked to primary, and pitched 5 oz. yeast from a slurry (April 5, 2008).

Spilt this batch into two at secondary. Racked one as is. To the other, 6 cups of strong Sumatra coffee was added. Obviously not attenuated fully yet, so it was moved to a warmer room (April 12, 2008).

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
8.50 pounds British Maris Otter Pale Malt 79.1%
1.00 pounds British Black Patent Malt 9.3%
0.75 pounds Crystal Malt 80L 7%
0.25 pounds British Chocolate Malt 2.3%
0.25 pounds Flaked Oats 2.3%
10.75 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Non-Fermentable Time
1.0 pounds Lactose 15 minutes


Amount Hop Time AA
0.50 ounces Magnum 60 min 13.0%
1.00 ounces Golding 60 min 4.0%
1.50 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Form Amount
Irish Ale (WLP004) White Labs Liquid Slurry

Mash Infusion