Belgian Golden Strong Ale – All Grain GONE


General Info

Sugar used in this brew was 4 pounds of organic evaporated cane juice.


Wow, this time I had a very efficient mash: a full 20% better than previously. I crushed my grain at Beer At Home with their new mills, so that may be part of the cause. In any case, I hadn’t planned on such efficiency, so the OG shot to 1.080 instead of the 1.070 as planned. I hope it’ll dry out so it can still be called a Golden Strong cuz we’re getting into Tripel territory here.

One carboy was lacking, and since my efficiency was so good, I decided to add 1 1/4 gallons of cooled boiled water to top it to 5.5 gallons. As a result, its OG is around 1.074 or so.

Cooled to 75°F and pitched yeast. I plan on keeping the temp in this range throughout primary fermentation.

This will be the last beer I ever neglect to use a hop bag. Too much mess (February 08, 2009).

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
21.00 pounds Belgian Plisen Malt 91.3%
1.00 pounds German Light Munich Malt 4.3%
1.00 pounds German Wheat Malt Light 4.3%
23.00 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Adjunct
4.00 pounds Sucrose (Table Sugar)


Amount Hop Time AA
1.25 ounces Centennial 90 min 6.7%
1.75 ounces Centennial 30 min 6.7%
1.00 ounces Saaz 1 min 5.8%
4.00 ounces Total Hop Weight



  • Single infusion mash at 151° for 60 minutes.
  • Add hops according to schedule.
  • Add sugar in the last 15 minutes along with Irish Moss.
  • Cool to fermentation temperature.
  • Ferment for in primary at 72° for seven days. Secondary ferment for at least seven days. Age for at least 45 days.


Fermentation and Aging

7 days @ 75° F
14 days @ 75° F
45 days @ 55° F

All That Glitters Is Golden Ale

Date Brewed:  

Brew Day Data

  Target Actual Notes
Strike Water Amount: 7.6    
Strike Water Temperature:      
Mash Temperature(s):      
Mash Time:      
Sparge Water Amount: 8.2    
Sparge Water Temperature:      
Pre-Boil Gravity:      
Pre-Boil Amount: 11    
Post-Boil Amount: 10    
Boil Time: 60    
OG: 1.080 / 19.3° P    
Mash PH:      
Boil PH:      

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