American IPA – All Grain GONE


General Info

Ran our of the house pale ale, so needed a replacement.  Used some of the Chinook from last year's harvest for the first-wort.  While rummaging in the freezer I located a stash of Amarillo and Simcoe that I decided to throw in the mix as well.  I don't think you can really go wrong with a nice summer IPA.  Now, we just have to wait.  

20120505 - Racked from primary into two glass carboys for secondary and dry hopping.  Dry hopped with the remaining Chinook hops from last year's harvest, about 1.75 oz per carboy. Racking yielded about 4.5-4.75 gallons per carboy (approx. 9.5 gallons total).

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
22.00 pounds American Pale Malt (2-Row) 83%
2.00 pounds German Light Munich Malt 7.5%
1.50 pounds American Victory Malt 5.7%
1.00 pounds German Wheat Malt Light 3.8%
26.50 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Hop Time AA
2.00 ounces Chinook 90 min 8.0%
1.00 ounces Simcoe 60 min 11.0%
1.00 ounces Cascade 30 min 3.8%
1.00 ounces Centennial 30 min 8.0%
1.00 ounces Amarillo 10 min 6.6%
1.00 ounces Simcoe 10 min 11.0%
3.00 ounces Cascade 0 min 3.8%
1.00 ounces Centennial 0 min 8.0%
3.75 ounces Chinook 0 min 8.0%
14.75 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Amount
Safale Fermentis US-05 24 gr

Equipment Profile My Equipment [cegolf]

Mash Profile Single Step Temperature Mash, Medium Bodied Beer


Mash with a direct heat source to maintain temperature.

Mash Steps

# Name Time Temp. Description
1 Saccharification 60 min. 154°F

Add 100% of mash water at 166° F / 74° C

2 Mash Out 10 min. 168°F

Heat to 168° F / 75° C for at least 10 minutes

Water Profile Parker, CO

Fermentation and Aging

14 days @ 68° F
7 days @ 62° F
0 days @ ° F
28 days @ 52° F

House Hop IPA

Date Brewed:  

Brew Day Data

  Target Actual Notes
Strike Water Amount: 8.8    
Strike Water Temperature:      
Mash Temperature(s):      
Mash Time:      
Sparge Water Amount: 10    
Sparge Water Temperature:      
Pre-Boil Gravity:      
Pre-Boil Amount: 13.2    
Post-Boil Amount: 12    
Boil Time: 120    
OG: 1.063 / 15.4° P    
Mash PH:      
Boil PH:      

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