Cream Ale – All Grain GONE


General Info

This is the second attempt at this recipe.   I had previously brewed it on 7/03/2015, but using the SS Brewtech 14 Gal Chronical for the first time.  That batch became infected and I eventually dumped it.  

Replaced hoses along with new cam & grove quick connects.  Swapped out ball valves on the fermenter for TC butterfly valves as well.  Suspect the ball valve for trapping something nasty.  Also built low pressure TC fitting for top of fermenter so I can use low pressure CO2 (1-1.5 psi) when dumping trub/yeast and taking samples so that air doesn't fill the vacuum.  This also lets me use CO2 to transfer to kegs when done.  

As a result of these changes and possibly just being overly paranoid about sanitation (never a bad thing), this batch fermented just fine without any drama.  Beer is clean.   

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
10.00 pounds American Pale Malt (2-Row) 44.9%
10.00 pounds German Pilsen Malt (2-Row) 44.9%
2.25 pounds Flaked Rice 10.1%
22.25 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Non-Fermentable Time
0.03 5.2 Stabilizer 60 minutes
2 Whirlfloc 15 minutes


Amount Hop Time AA
1.50 ounces Saaz 60 min 3.6%
1.50 ounces Willamette 60 min 3.3%
1.00 ounces Saaz 10 min 3.6%
1.00 ounces Willamette 10 min 3.3%
5.00 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Amount
Safale Fermentis US-05 35 gr

Equipment Profile My Equipment [cegolf]

Mash Profile Single Step Temperature Mash, Light Bodied Beer


Mash with a direct heat source to maintain temperature.

Mash Steps

# Name Time Temp. Description
1 Saccharification 75 min. 150°F

Add 100% of mash water at 162° F / 72° C

2 Mash Out 10 min. 168°F

Heat to 168° F / 75° C for at least 10 minutes

Water Profile Parker, CO

Fermentation and Aging

4 days @ 67° F
10 days @ 67° F
7 days @ ° F
30 days @ 65° F

Creamed Ugh - Take 2

Date Brewed:  

Brew Day Data

  Target Actual Notes
Strike Water Amount: 7.4    
Strike Water Temperature:      
Mash Temperature(s):      
Mash Time:      
Sparge Water Amount: 10.5    
Sparge Water Temperature:      
Pre-Boil Gravity:      
Pre-Boil Amount: 13.2    
Post-Boil Amount: 12    
Boil Time: 90    
OG: 1.049 / 12.1° P    
Mash PH:      
Boil PH:      

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