Witbier – All Grain GONE


General Info

Based upon an idea from Northern Brewer - with modifications, of course.


Used demera sugar. Added chamomile by steeping three tea bags in 1 quart of boiling wort for 15 minutes. Added at racking.

Extended boil to 100 minutes, thinking we had too much. Wound up with just over 8 gallons - gotta check to see if my sight glass is off on the boil kettle. This did, however, bring the OG to 1.084. Cooled to 70 degrees and pitched yeast from a 2000 ml starter, split among the two carboys (January 10, 2009).

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
15.00 pounds Belgian Plisen Malt 46.9%
15.00 pounds German Wheat Malt Light 46.9%
2.00 pounds Flaked Oats 6.3%
32.00 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Adjunct
2.00 pounds Sucrose (Table Sugar)


Amount Non-Fermentable Time
4.0 oz. Corriander 20 minutes
2.5 oz. Orange Zest 20 minutes
2.5 oz Grapefruit Zest 20 minutes
0.10 oz Pure Chamomile 15 minutes


Amount Hop Time AA
3.40 ounces Saaz 60 min 5.8%
3.40 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Form Amount
Belgian Wit Ale (WLP400) White Labs Liquid 1000 ml. starter

Mash Infusion