Just in time for my birthday! This was a spur-of-the-moment brew session experiment with a lower-gravity ale. I’ve brewed 80/- and 90/- beers before, but not a 60/-, which is meant to be consumed in larger quantites.
Racked to primary (September 4, 2007). Racked to secondary (September 12, 2007). Racked to keg and primed with 3.0 oz (by weight) of corn sugar. Set in the refrigerator to cold condition (September 24, 2007).
Finally tapped this one on December 16, 2007. Best served at 50°.
Took to the inaugural meeting of a yet-to-be-named homebrew club sponsored by Rockyard Brewing in Castle Rock, Colorado. Among the participants was a BJCP judge who said this was a "really nice beer." He did comment that it was almost "too clean," attributing it to the yeast I used (California Ale). He suggested that I use an English or Scottish strain next time. I have to say I agree.
Notes for next time: keep the base recipe and hop schedule. Change yeast to Edinburgh Ale. Don’t prime the keg.