Other Fruit Melomel – All Grain GONE



Honey used:

  • 9 lbs of Clover
  • 6 lbs of Wildflower

Added 1 tablespoon of yeast energizer at pitching. Will add energizer at periodic intervals throughout fermentation.

Fermentation seems to have stalled at 1.036. Added a fresh charge of yeast and energizer. If that doesn't work, I'll need to check the PH to see if it's too low/high and adjust accordingly (October 10, 2010).


Amount Adjunct
15.00 pounds Honey
8.00 pounds Fruit - Blackberries, Raw or Frozen


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Amount
Montrachet Red Star 24 gr

Equipment Profile 5 Gallon/19 Liter Kettle

Water Profile Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Fermentation and Aging

21 days @ 68° F
14 days @ 68° F
140 days @ 52° F

Mellow Mel

Date Brewed:  

Brew Day Data

  Target Actual Notes
Strike Water Amount: 0    
Strike Water Temperature:      
Mash Temperature(s):      
Mash Time:      
Sparge Water Amount: 6.6    
Sparge Water Temperature:      
Pre-Boil Gravity:      
Pre-Boil Amount: 6.6    
Post-Boil Amount: 6    
Boil Time: 60    
OG: 1.084 / 20.2° P    
Mash PH:      
Boil PH:      

Printed using BrewBlogger 3.0.0, brewing log software for PHP and MySQL, available at http://www.brewblogger.net.