American Brown Ale – All Grain GONE


General Info

Recipe derived from Brewing Classic Styles (pg. 143) - American Brown Ale. Adjusted for a 5 gallon batch. Named after Gene Wilder's character in the 1974 classic Mel Books western parody Blazing Saddles.

Single infusion at 154°. Ferment at 67°. Carbonate from 2 to 2.5 volumes.

Hop prices have gone up nearly 40% in the last two months. Otherwise, this brew would have cost around $25 - still a bit more expensive than my usual $20-23 (without purchasing yeast).


Had a stuck mash when I tried to runoff. Trickled out as much as I could over the course of an hour. Took grain out of tun and wrapped the tubing with a grain bag...cleared things right up. Sparge was a breeze. Added about an hour on to my brew day, though.

Cooled to pitching temp, took gravity reading, and pitched yeast from a slurry. Set in the new "brew closet" to ferment (December 16, 2007). Ambient temperature in the brew closet was a bit too cool - around 61°. Moved the carboy to another location where the temperature will be 65-68° (December 18, 2007).

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
9.25 pounds American Pale Malt (2-Row) 74%
0.75 pounds American Wheat Malt 6%
1.00 pounds American Dextrin (Cara-Pils) Malt 8%
1.00 pounds Crystal Malt 40L 8%
0.50 pounds American Chocolate Malt 4%
12.50 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Hop Time AA
1.60 ounces Northern Brewer 60 min 7.8%
1.00 ounces Styrian Golding 15 min 4.8%
1.00 ounces Cascade 10 min 6.5%
1.00 ounces Cascade 0 min 6.5%
1.00 ounces Challenger 0 min 7.0%
5.60 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Form Amount
California Ale (WLP001) White Labs Liquid 35 ml.

Mash Infusion