Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer – All Grain GONE


General Info

Dave McHugh and Kjell Wygant made a modified recipe from Michael Bade's Hop On Top Pale Ale.

Dave and I brewed this one at this years Big Brew Day with it's only purpose to travel to NHC in Oakland and serve some heat to the masses. We amped up the original recipe by adding 5oz. of roasted Anaheim Peppers and 2.5oz. of diced Jalapeno's to the secondary fermentor.

The aroma is pure roasted peppers with malted hop undertones. A full mouthfeel with some bitterness and then some heat going down that lingers a bit.

I had a blast brewing this one with Dave and now we can both enjoy it along with all of you at NHC Oakland 2009!


This chile beer got some great reviews from the attendees of NHC 2009 Oakland CA.


7-7-2009 picked up the ingredients to brew a 5 gallon batch of this same chilified version of Hop On Top. Although the peppers seem to mask the hops added in this recipe, I'm affraid it would taste entirely different without them.

Malts and Grains

Amount Malt/Grain %
19.00 pounds American Pale Malt (2-Row) 82.6%
1.50 pounds American Wheat Malt 6.5%
1.50 pounds German Vienna Malt 6.5%
1.00 pounds American Dextrin (Cara-Pils) Malt 4.3%
23.00 pounds Total Grain Weight 100%


Amount Adjunct
0.50 pounds Rice Hulls


Amount Non-Fermentable Time
1 Table Spoon 5.2 Five Star Stablizer 60 minutes
5 oz. Anahiem Chili Peppers (Roasted) 2wks minutes
2.5 oz. Jalapeno Peppers 2wks minutes


Amount Hop Time AA
1.00 ounces Amarillo 90 min 8.4%
2.00 ounces Magnum 60 min 13.1%
3.00 ounces Simcoe 20 min 11.9%
4.00 ounces Amarillo 5 min 8.4%
2.00 ounces Amarillo 0 min 8.4%
12.00 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Amount
California Ale White Labs WLP001 500 ml

Clever Beer Name Here

Date Brewed:  

Brew Day Data

  Target Actual Notes
Strike Water Amount: 7.6    
Strike Water Temperature:      
Mash Temperature(s):      
Mash Time:      
Sparge Water Amount: 8.2    
Sparge Water Temperature:      
Pre-Boil Gravity:      
Pre-Boil Amount: 11    
Post-Boil Amount: 10    
Boil Time: 60    
OG: 1.061 / 15° P    
Mash PH:      
Boil PH:      

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