Other Specialty Cider or Perry – Extract GONE


General Info

I made this recipe for my wife since she likes Mikes Hard Lemonade so much, and at a cost of $15/5 gallons vs. $7.99/sixpack she likes it even better.

I had made hard cider once with some help from Kevin Delange from Dry Dock. So I just used the same basic pricipal for lemonade.

Loco Lemon Hex is named after a fishing fly The Lemon Hex, a mayfly. It's Loco because she says thats how it made her feel...loco


Amount Adjunct
4.00 pounds Sucrose (Table Sugar)



5 one gallon jugs of Sam's Club Lemonade

3 Fresh Lemons Zested

Squeeze Lemon juice and pulp from same three zested lemons

4lbs Beet Sugar




Combine all containers of lemonade in your fermentor.

Zest lemons

Sqeeze and pulp lemons into fermentor

Add beet sugar

Fill with water to just over 5 gallon mark


Pitch yeast at 70 degrees

Let it go for as long as it takes to attenuate

(1st time it took 1.5 months @ 65deg, 2nd time the batch was twice as large and is still going after 4months but a bit cooler @60...may have to adjust temp)

When complete, rack to clarify (gelatin could be used and maybe used next time)

Special Procedures

Get the yeast from GW KENT Brewery supply company at gwkent.com


500 gram pakage for $17

Fermentation and Aging

45 days @ 68° F
20 days @ 68° F

Loco Lemon Hex

Date Brewed:  

Brew Day Data

  Target Actual Notes
Boil Time: 60    
OG: 1.072 / 17.5° P    
Mash PH:      
Boil PH:      

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